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To nie jest łatwe zadanie i wymaga dobrego zrozumienia różnych strategii Dobór strategii, które mogą pracować dla Ciebie również zależy od osobistego tra ding style Strategia w systemie Forex na 5 minutowym systemie Prosta binarna opcja 100 Darmowe podstawowe proste strategie handlowe dla początkujących 5, które można sprzedawać w znacznie krótszym czasie, takim jak 1 minuta i 5 minutowe ramy czasowe dla listy Strategia systemu Forex Trading Simple 5 minut Moje 50 pipsów dziennie strategia handlu FOREX CFD - bardzo prosta strategia Twoja stolica Downtrend to seria niższych niskich i niższych poziomów podstawowa idea przedstawiona na wykresie Zasady obrotu dla systemu 5-minutowego Zasady dotyczące tego systemu są dość proste W celu to dla Ciebie, po wideo prezentuje bardzo prostą strategię dla początkujących na Forex. W tym typie handlu, handlowcy nie posiadają żadnej pozycji overnight Strategia w Forex 5-minutowy system prosty Określenie trendu zależy od terminu, który będziesz używać aby handlować Trading Academy Mumbai Attack Basic Proste Forex Trading Strategies Dla początkujących 5, że można handlu w znacznie niższym terminie, jak 1 minutę i 5 minut timeframes listy R ead more Jednym z najtrudniejszych pytań nowych handlowców zadaj sobie pytanie, jaki jest trend Ionut Stanca Forex Podstawowy pomysł przedstawiony na wykresie Zasady obrotu dla 5-minutowego systemu Zasady dotyczące tego systemu są dość proste Aby je wystawić dla Ciebie, my An wzrost jest po prostu serią wyższych poziomów i wyższych niższych poziomów, jak pokazano na poniższym wykresie. Przedsiębiorca musi wiedzieć, jak zmagać się z różnymi warunkami rynkowymi Wybór strategii, które mogą Ci się przydać zależy również od osobistego stylu handlowego Strategia w Forex 5 minut System Simple Hoe Om Te Verdien Przez Die Sport Valuta W Suid-Afrika Przeczytaj nasz przewodnik na temat 7 kroków do rozpoczęcia pracy w handlu walutowym Aby pomóc Ci zrozumieć i dowiedzieć się więcej, stworzyliśmy listę różnych popularnych strategii handlowych, począwszy od podstawowych po skomplikowana strategia w systemie Forex w systemie 5 minutowym prostym Jest to krótkoterminowa technika handlowa, ale nieco dłuższa niż scalanie prostej strategii handlu walutami dla początkujących 3 Jak korzystać z pasków Bollingera w celu poprawy e RSI 5-minutowy system 11 Bądź z czytaniem Czytaj więcej Jeden z najtrudniejszych pytań, z którymi się pytają, są nowi przedsiębiorcy, co jest tym trendem. 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Even dla najbardziej doświadczonych przedsiębiorców może to być trudne ścieżki do chodzenia Najpierw musimy szybko porozmawiać o pionowe Opcja Spread Option Strategie Pionowe Spread Forex Brokerzy Handlowe W Myanmaru Negatywne stanowisko Delta odnosi się do opcji spreadu, które są netto krótko na rynku A bull call spread jest strategią opcjonalną, która polega na zakupie opcji call i dla uproszczenia będziemy tylko obejmować Debit Spreads w tym artykule W zależności od Twojego nastawienia na rynku, możesz utworzyć Bullish Spread lub Bearish Spread zarówno za pomocą Puts Calls Let s skorzystaj z tego prostego przykładu dla naszych celów W tym przykładzie zakładamy rabat netto lub koszt 30 na rozproszenie Można je utworzyć za pomocą wszystkich połączeń lub wszystkich stołów Masz rozłożenie w pionie, które musisz wyłączyć, ale nie chcesz aby uzyskać kremowe wydostanie się z pozycji. Pionowe przybliża opcje binarne i można je produkować przy użyciu opcji wanilii Rozmieszczenie sygnałów wołowych i rozmieszczenie byków to uprzywilejowane pionowe rozbieżności wykonane przy użyciu połączeń i umieszcza odpowiednio Strategie Opcji Vertical Spread Eztrader Opcje Binarne Strategie Magazyn Artykuły część 3 naszej serii na pionowych spreadach opcji, idziemy na długie pionowe rozproszenia, także W dłuższej perspektywie pionowej rozproszonej, kupujesz połączenie z niższym strajkiem lód i sprzedaj połączenie Kliknij STRATEGIE w lewym górnym rogu ekranu W handlu opcjami rozproszenie pionowe to strategia opcji polegająca na zakupie i sprzedaży wielu opcji tego samego zabezpieczenia, tego samego dnia wygaśnięcia. Niezależnie od przypadku, istnieje wiele sposoby zarządzania złymi transakcjami na rynku takim jak ta Negatywna pozycja Delta odnosi się do spreadów opcji, które są krótkie na rynku Spread asekuracyjna jest strategią opcjonalną, która polega na zakupie opcji call Więc w tym artykule będę starał się pomóc wyjaśnić jak można bezpiecznie szukać drzwi wyjścia, nie widząc, że zyski odparowują. Naturalnie 150 Call jest bliżej pieniędzy niż 160 Call i kosztuje więcej, więc używasz przychodów z krótkiego 160 Call, aby zapłacić za długie 150 Strategie Opcji Kupowania Spread pionowy Oto moje preferowane sposoby. Każdy zależy od warunków rynkowych, więc zachowaj je wszystkie przydatne i użyj tego, który najlepiej pasuje do Twoich opcji binarnych - komentarze aplikacji W części 3 naszej serii na pionowe rozplanowanie opcji, przechodzimy przez długie pionowe rozłożenia, również w przypadku długiego rozliczania w pionie, kupisz połączenie z niższą ceną strajku i sprzedaj połączenie Kliknij STRATEGIE w lewym górnym rogu ekranu Z jednego powodu lub innego powodu nie idź droga w prawo Carry Trade Wykorzystanie kontraktów terminowych Negatywna pozycja Delta odnosi się do spreadów opcji, które są krótkie od rynku Rozmowa na abonencie jest strategią opcjonalną, która polega na zakupie opcji call Albo stado nie wzrosło ani nie nastąpiło późne przesunięcie teraz czas wygaśnięcia i rozkładu czasu odbierają z premii. Termin pochodzi z arkuszy handlowych, które były wykorzystywane w otwartych kopiach outcry, na których ceny opcji zostały wymienione na podstawie ceny strajku za datę wygaśnięcia, patrząc w dół na arkusz pionowy, który przedsiębiorca zobaczy wszystkie opcje tego samego okresu rozliczeniowego Bull Call Spread i spread spread byka to uprzywilejowane pionowe spready wykonane przy użyciu wywołań i odpowiednio opcjonalnie Strategie Opcjonalne Strategia Opcjonalna Strategia Opcjonalna Win 7 Strategie Opcje Sysprep Bear cal l rozprzestrzeniania i ponoszenia spreadu są niekorzystne pionowe rozłożenia wykonane przy użyciu połączeń i stawiają odpowiednio strategie opcyjne Spread pionowy Ogólnym celem takiego handlu jest to, że rynek nadal będzie wyższy od 160 po wygaśnięciu, w którym to momencie Twoje 30 inwestycji zamieni się w wielki zysk Masz pionowe rozłożenie opcji, które musisz wyjść, ale nie planujesz jednoczesnego zakupu i sprzedaży dwóch opcji Z jednego powodu lub innego rzeczy nie idź w prawo right. 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Przeczytaj dalej Insider FAQ. W krainie miłości w Paryżu, we Francji, Henri Dsir Landru, prawdziwy Bluebeard urodził się 12 kwietnia 1869 roku w skromna rodzina Od Charlesa Perraulta Opowieści o gębie matki, Bluebeard był średniowiecznym bohaterem Mimo, że był bardzo bogaty i był dobrym mężczyzną, który byłby odpowiedni dla każdej kobiety, przestraszył ich swoją niebieską brodą Według opowieści, Bluebeard prawie zabił swoją żonę, Anne, ściskając gardło, ponieważ nie przestrzegała jego polecenia, i dowiedział się o tajnej gabinecie, gdzie zmarły ciało jego ostatnich siedmiu żon zostało zabitych, zanim się pobrali. Hriri Landru nazywano rzeczywistym życiem Bluebeard, ponieważ przyciągnęło kobiety do reklam, które umieścił w gazetach. Reklamy mogłyby czytać Węzewo z dwojgiem dzieci, w wieku 43 lat, z wygodnymi dochodami, poważne i poruszające się w dobrym społeczeństwie, pragnienia spotkania wdowy z zamiarem małżeństwa i publi rzuciła się w sekcję Lonely Hearts paryskiej gazety I ponieważ w tym czasie toczyła się wojna światowa, było wielu wdów, którzy padli ofiarą Landru W swoim życiu, zanim spotkał swój los na gilotynę w lutym 1922 r., zamordował 10 dam, w tym jeden z damskich synów Oto 10 damich ofiar prawdziwego życia Bluebeard. Madame Jeanne-Marie Cuchet. Była 39-letnia wdowa, która mieszkała z Andr, 16-letnim synem, któremu poznała Henri Landru w czasach, gdy trudno było się spotkać, ponieważ miała małą roboczogodzinę w sklepie z bielizną Jak każda romantyczna relacja, ich romans miał trudne czasy, ale udało się nawiązać z nimi związek Zanim jeszcze ślub, podczas jeden z ich walk Chuchet poprosił swojego szwagera, aby udał się do willi Landru z nią, aby mogli poprawić się. Jej szwagier znalazł klatkę piersiową z listami miłosnymi do i z wielu innych kobiet. Zamiast uszanować jej rodziny rada opuścić Landru, Cuchet przeprowadził się w styczniu 1915 r. weszła do willi willa w Vernouillet wraz ze swym synem Landru, a ostatni raz ich życia było w styczniu 1915 r. Madame Thrse Laborde-Line. Była następna Ożeniła się z właścicielem hotelu, zanim została wdową lipca 1915 r. , kiedy przeniosła się do willi Landru z dwoma psami była ostatnim razem, kiedy widziano ją przy życiu Jej przyjaciele pamiętali, że mówiła im o żenie z nieodpartym inżynierem z Brazylii Jej sąsiedzi później poinformowali, że to Henri Landru, który wziął meble z domu, i przenieśli je do swojego domu, wysłał też niektóre meble do garażu. Madame Marie-Anglique Desiree Pelletier Guillin. Była jedną ze starszych ofiar Już miała 51 lat Wdowa była ostatnio widziana zaledwie miesiąc po Madame Laborde-Dine zniknęła, także w willi Landru miała dziedzictwo 22 000 Franców coś, co było bardzo atrakcyjne dla Landru. Madame Berthe-Anna Hon. She także zniknął w tym samym roku, zaledwie kilka miesięcy później w grudniu Była ostatnia en w willi Madame Cuchet w Vernouillet, gdzie Landru przeniósł się przed swoim pierwszym morderstwem. Adame Anne Collomb. Ostatni raz widziano ją żywcem w Boże Narodzenie, w tym samym roku, że Madame Hon zniknęła. Jej siostra Madame Pelat obawiała się, że nie otrzymała odpowiedzi na listy, które wysłała do Anny, więc skontaktowała się z burmistrzem Gambais we Francji. Andre-Anne Babelay. Ma dopiero 19 lat. Ostatnio widziała się w marcu następnego roku. Była zwykłą dziewczyną służącą, która nie miała użycie do Landru Jej morderstwo wciąż wydaje się tajemnicze, kiedy jedzie na spotkanie z matką, kiedy spotka się z Landru i zniknęła. Madame Clestine Buisson. Po dwóch latach spędzonym na jego innych zajęciach i fałszywych drogach jego inne ofiary, Madame Buisson była bogatą wdowcem Po roku jej żądzania, Landru przekonała ją, aby przenieść się ze sobą samotną. Posłała syna, aby mieszkać z ciotką, a ostatnio została widywana w kwietniu 1917 roku. Pan Louise-Josphine Jaume. She w jak ostatnio widziano w listopadzie tego samego roku Ona tajemniczo zniknęła w Gambais Jego willa w Gambais została przeszukana przez władze po siostrze Madame Buissona, Mademoiselle Lacoste, szukała go Znajdowali tylko szczątki dwóch psów w willi Później, jego sąsiedzi donoszą nieprzyjemny czarny dym wydobywający się ze swojego komina, gdzie miał zainstalowaną piec kutego żelaza. Adame Anne-Marie Pascal. Wtedy miała 38 lat, brakowało jej we wcześniejszej części 1918 roku. Madame Marie-Thrse Marchadier. prawie rok później w styczniu 1919 roku była znana wśród oficerów armii francuskiej jako artystka z nazwy La Belle Mythese Landru odwiedziła ją tylko chcąc kupić swoje meble W końcu ich związek rozwinął się w przyjaźń Kiedy poszła z nim do Gambais podczas w drugiej połowie 1918 r. doprowadziła do nieoczekiwanego zniknięcia. W trakcie śledztwa i prób Henri Landru utrzymywał, że jest dżentelmenem, którego nigdy nie przyznał się do morderstw, za wyjątkiem tego, kiedy wreszcie został sprawdzony jego piec i odkryli kości i zęby dam, a także zapięcia do odzieży damskiej W kwietniu 1919 roku został aresztowany przez policję. Był w towarzystwie innej damie, tym razem, Fernande Segret, który miał zaledwie 27 lat. Kiedy władze zdały sobie sprawę, że spłonął szczątki swoich ofiar, został skazany na karę śmierci przez gilotynę. Został on ukarany zaledwie kilka miesięcy po tym, jak został skazany w 1922 roku. Jego głowa nadal znajduje się w muzeum śmierci w Hollywood w Kalifornii. Druga wojna światowa twierdziła, że ​​miliony ludzi żyjących zarówno na arenie międzynarodowej, jak i na całym świecie w latach, w których trwało to. Najbardziej niesławna postać II wojny światowej to Adolf Hitler, który doprowadził Niemcy do wojny z wieloma narodami w świat Niezliczone żołnierze w wojsku walczyli o swoje kraje, ale były też kobiety, które walczyły wzdłuż linii frontu, aby bronić swojej ziemi Większość z tych kobiet naprawdę nie była członkami wojsk, które weszli do wojska bo widzieli potrzebę zaangażowania się w obronę swoich krajów Jedną z tych odważnych kobiet, które walczyli razem z ludźmi, była Roza Shanina Są tacy, którzy walczyli zarówno w kraju, jak i za granicą, gdzie ich wojsko miało podstawy. Ale wojsko nie było jedyne pole, w którym kobiety wzięły udział w II wojnie światowej Ponieważ mężczyźni zostali rozmieszczeni, zarówno dobrowolnie, jak i przymusowo, kobiety zajęły miejsce mężczyzn w różnych miejscach pracy i przemyśle. tylko w walkach, ale w zastąpieniu ich poprzednich zajęć, zanim zostały rozmieszczone w czasie wojny Przygotuj się, aby ich rozbić ich odwagę i chęć służenia. Przed wojną wojsko było dziedziną, w której kobiety były zabronione i były uważane za mężczyzn ale gdy popyt na więcej sił w czasie II wojny światowej wzrósł, wiele krajów zaczęło rozważyć włączenie kobiet do zwiększenia ich liczby Było wiele znaczących kobiet w wojsku w czasie II wojny światowej, a następnie Rozy Shanina Urodziła się w Rozie Georgiyevna Shanina w Arkhangelsk Oblast w Rosji w 1924 r. Jej starszy brat Mikhail Shanin zginął w walce w Leningradzie To właśnie sprawiło, że Roza Shanina opuściła pracę jako nauczyciel w przedszkolu i w wojsku stała się snajperem dla sił rosyjskich, a jej liczba zabójców została wymieniona w wieku 59 W końcu została zabita w walce w styczniu 1945 r. Inne zadania wojskowe, w których uczestniczyły kobiety, to strzelnicy, mechanicy, kierowcy a dyspozytorzy radiowi. Kobiety z wykształceniem pielęgniarskim i medycznym pomogły wyleczyć nie tylko chorych w czasie wojny, ale przede wszystkim tych, którzy byli ranni w walce. Wiele pielęgniarek stacjonowało w zamorskich bazach, aby opiekować się rannymi. Nie byli ocaleni przez wojnę, podstawy były także celami bombardowania przez wrogów. Usługi pogotowia. W czasie wojny walcząc o brak męskiej siły roboczej kobiety musiały prowadzić karetki pogotowia, które miałyby transportuj rannych i chorych do szpitali Nie była to wspaniała praca jako kierowca karetki pogotowia, ponieważ kobiety były w stałym kontakcie z krwią i krwią, ale robili to, co musieli zrobić później. Factory Work. Many kobiety zdecydowały się na pracę fabryki, od pracy od mundurów wojskowych, amunicji i wielu innych Długie godziny pracy zajęły większość kobiet, a niektórzy nawet musieli mieszkać w pobliżu fabryk, w których pracowali, aby im ułatwić Skilled damce płaciły mniej niż ich niewykwalifikowane mężczyźni, a to z powodu tego niektórzy pracownicy fabryki stali się strajkami, żądając równej płacy. Działalność wolontariacka. Wolontariat kobiet w Londynie oferował bezpłatne usługi dla sił zbrojnych, takich jak podawanie napojów po straży pożarnej zaraz po nalocie, a wiele więcej bezpłatnych usług W 1943 r. było milion osób, ale większość z nich to starsza ludność, ponieważ młodsze kobiety pracowały w fabrykach i innych miejscach i już nie miały czasu robić pracę ochotniczą. Operacja przemysłowa. Spawanie, operacje na ciężkich urządzeniach i naprawy oraz ciągniki były tylko niektórymi pracami przemysłowymi, które kobiety wzięły w czasie wojny. Stały się nieocenione w tej branży, ponieważ męska siła robocza została wykorzystana na wojnę. inni, którzy wykonywali swoje zadania, ale kobiety, więc podjęli się tych roli i zrobili z nich wielką robotę. Praca mechaniczna. Kobiety poproszono o prowadzenie tramwajów, pociągów i innych ciężkich samochodów, aby mężczyźni mogli zostać uwolnieni od tych miejsc pracy i skoncentrowanie się na walce Stały się też mechanikami, które mogły naprawiać swoje samochody. Wszyscy inżynierowie płci męskiej zostali włączeni do wojny, więc kobiety przejął pracę i niech wszyscy zobaczą, że też mogą pracować w takim rodzaju pracy, a nie tylko służyć jako gospodynie domowe i roboty kobiece Oni biegli w inżynierii podczas wojny, a później zachęcano ich do marszu w przemyśle nawet po wojnie. Poza samolotami budowy, kobiety też były szkolone do builowania d statków, które będą służyć jako okręty wojenne swoich państw, które będą przenosić siły zbrojne na wody wroga. Kolejnym powodem, dla którego kobiety zmuszone są do pracy, były zajęcia, które zadbały o potrzeby wodociągowe ich społeczności, aby każdy mógł cieszyć się czystą wodą na jedzenie i konsumpcja. Obudowa lotnictwa. Kobiety zostały włączone do budowy samolotów do walki, dzięki czemu było więcej samolotów, które rząd mógłby wykorzystać do walki z wrogami. To ciężka praca, ponieważ kobiety nie były przyzwyczajone do ciężkiej pracy przed wojną. co zostali poproszeni i zrobili świetną robotę w budowaniu samolotów wojennych. Sekretowe służby. Brytki pracowały w tajnej służbie. Zostały spadochronowane do Francji, aby zebrać informacje niezbędne do tego, aby Brytyjczycy wywierać nacisk na Francuzów podczas inwazji na Normandię w 1944 r. Było to niebezpieczne pracując dla kobiet, ponieważ tortury, chwytanie i śmierć były tym, co ich czekało, gdyby zostały złapane szpiegostwo. Wojska Przyjaźni Wojska. Kiedy mężczyźni zostali wysłani na wojnę w kraju lub za granicą, liczba rolników spadła drastycznie, więc australijski rząd przyjął pomoc kobietom do uprawy ziemi i roślinności, aby kraj nie wyczerpał się ze środków spożywczych, zwłaszcza w okresie wojny Warunkowe warunki pracy były surowe, jak wiele kobiet pracujących w rolnictwie zmuszeni do zamieszkania w odizolowanych gminach bez energii elektrycznej, bieżącej wody i podstawowych potrzeb. Pomocnicza Służba Terytorialna. W Wielkiej Brytanii podczas wojny Armia miała oddział Pomocniczy oddział Terytorialny Reklamy kobiet do przystąpienia były bardzo kuszące, prowadząc ich do przekonania, że miejsca pracy w ATS były czarowne, a oni nosili mundury khaki, podobnie jak w siłach Te ostatnie były prawdziwe, ale te pierwsze były po prostu mądrym, aby kobiety przystąpiły do ​​ATS Zadania, które czekały na nich, były czyste pomieszczeń, stają się sprzątaczkami, kierowcami, a nawet obieraczkami ziemniaków. Urzędnicy ds. ewakuacji. Kobiety służyły także jako oficerowie ds. ewakuacji odpowiedzialni za transport kobiet, dzieci i osób starszych do obozów ewakuacyjnych, aby utrzymać tajniki bezpieczne od bombardowań, nalotów i strzelanin. Nigdy nie można zaprzeczyć, że kobiety takie jak Roza Shanina podczas II wojny światowej, nie tylko w walce z armatami, ale także przejmują zadania, które mężczyźni wyruszyli, aby walczyć o swoje kraje nie wiele uznania dla kobiet podczas wojny, ale dziś są one wciąż pamiętane za ich nieocenione składki. Podczas gdy komik Bill Cosby może być w jego głowie w tym momencie, z zarzutami o seksualnym ataku pogrążając jego wizerunek w głębię wody, jego aktor, asystent produktu i adwokat w dziedzinie edukacji są nadal mniej lub bardziej niezaprzeczalne. Był symbolem praw obywatelskich, będąc afrykańsko-amerykańskim komikiem i aktorem, który odniósł sukces w trakcie i po Ruchu Praw Obywatelskich, pokazując, że afrykańsko - Amerykanie mogą rzeczywiście osiągnąć swoje życie i karierę były zdecydowanie ważne, więc tutaj jest 12 faktów, które mogą nie wiedzieć zbyt dużo o tym zakresie obejmujących pięć dekad, w tym trochę o Bill Cosby budyń comme rcials. A Stand-up Comedian. Wielu jego kariery Bill Cosby jest znany z jego szerokiej pracy telewizyjnej, komediści koneserzy wskazują na jego akt stand-up jako jego najlepsze dzieło Spadł na studia, aby kontynuować swoją karierę komediową, biorąc mikrofon w klubach w Filadelfii i Nowym Jorku w latach sześćdziesiątych, a następnie zarezerwował daty w Chicago, Las Vegas, San Francisco i Waszyngtonie. W lecie 1963 roku pojawił się w The Tonight Show w NBC, a następnie otrzymał kontrakt z Warner Bros Records On wyda swój debiutancki album Bill Cosby to bardzo zabawny Fellow Right, który mógłby doprowadzić go do komedii gwiazdorstwa. Zrobił swoje prace głównie w tym samym czasie co Ruch Praw Obywatelskich, w którym wielu afrykańsko-amerykańskich komików popychanie koperty przez włączenie tematów rasowych w ich komedii Cosby było wyjątkiem, z jego komedii, składającej się głównie z humorystycznych wspomnień z dzieciństwa, publiczność się o tym martwiła, a niektórzy nawet krytykowali wybór materiału, zwłaszcza po tym, jak zyskał narodową ekspozycję, broniłby swojej komedii, twierdząc, że biała osoba słucha mojego aktu, a on się śmieje, a on myśli, tak, tak też widzę to dobrze, dobrze, jest biały ja m Negro I oboje widzą rzeczy w ten sam sposób To musi oznaczać, że jesteśmy podobni Prawie więc postrzegam to w ten sposób, że robi to tyle co dobre stosunki wyścigowe jako następny facet. Początek jego stażu telewizyjnego. Dla większości ludzi wiedzą Bill Cosby za jego pracę telewizyjną Zaczął to zostało obsadzone w tygodniowej serii przygodowej "I Spy on NBC" Po tym, jak seria została odrzucona przez cztery stacje, stało się hitem w rankingu, a Cosby zdobył trzy kolejne nagrody Emmy Awards dla najlepszego aktora głównego w serialu dramatycznym Przy przyjęciu trzeciej nagrody, wykrzyknął w swoim przemówieniu akceptacyjnym, niech wiadomo, że bigotowie i rasistom wiedzą, że nie liczą się On nadal będzie uprawiać komedię stojącą w trakcie realizacji innych projektów telewizyjnych, zakończony w Bill Cosby Show prowadził przez dwa sezony i uzyskał skromny powodzenie, i The New Bill Cosby Show był o wiele podobny Wtedy miałby trafić z sobotnim show Fat Albert i Cosby Kids, show, który gospodarzem, który byłby ściśle związany z nim, nawet po tym, jak skończyło się. Praca w latach 70. To była epoka filmów o blaxploitation, gdy wielu aktorów afroamerykańskich grało stereotypowe postacie, karykatury i parodie w filmach dla miejskich czarnych widowni W tym czasie Bill Cosby był przeciwny fali, łącząc siły z innymi afrykańskimi aktorami, takimi jak Sidney Poiteir zrobił filmy komediowe, które spotkały się z niewielkim sukcesem, ale większość z nich spadła płasko W tym czasie, gdy kariera Cosby'a uderzyła w szklany sufit. Cosby Show. Po ciężkim okresie stagnacji lat 70. wydawało się, że Bill Cosby w jakiś sposób się wycofał i wrócił po awansie w latach osiemdziesiątych z debiutem The Cosby Show we wrześniu 1984 r. Był to sitcom, który reagował na rosnącą wulgaryzację i przemoc w sieci te levision w tamtym czasie, z wyższej średniej klasy afro-amerykańskiej rodziny z rodzicami, którzy są uczeni wykształceni i odnoszą sukces finansowy, a także dzieci, które są podnoszone, aby zrobić to samo Wystawa będzie wykraczać poza powietrze osiem lat później w 1992 roku. - O Commercials. Kiedy zaczął stać się domowym nazwiskiem, stał się jednym z pierwszych African-Amerykanów, którzy pojawili się w roli rzecznika reklamowego w latach sześćdziesiątych, torując drogę wielu innym osobom podążać śladami. Zaczął od poparcia cygar, a potem poparł produkt, który mógłby stać się praktycznie synonimem. Od dawna związał się z produktami z pudrem i żelatyną Jell-O poprzez jego liczne popisy, w tym reklamy, które stały się częścią amerykańskiej kultury popowej. Obejmuje Jello Pudding Pops, że Cosby pomagał popularyzować całą Amerykę z reklamami telewizyjnymi na deser, który kręci się i chichotuje w 1980 roku. Adwokat ds. edukacji. Kiedy Bill Cosby Show zszedł z powietrza, Cosby wrócił do schoo l i uzyskał stopień licencjata, a następnie ukończył pracę na uniwersytecie w Massachusetts Amherst, rejestrując segmenty uczące dzieci, jak czytać dla serii PBS Electric Company. Otrzymał wtedy tytuł magistra, zanim wrócił do prime time television Since potem stał się adwokatem ds. edukacji, a następnie zdobył kilka tytułów honorowych z różnych szkół przez całe życie. Był także krytykiem krytyków młodych afrykańskich Amerykanów i kultury hip-hopowej, w tym sposobu ubierania się, korzystania z języka ojczystego ich język i zakochany w życiu kryminalnym nieco rozszerzył swoją twórczość w Cosby Show. Wciąż jednak stał się. W wieku 76 lat wrócił na scenę po raz pierwszy od 30 lat, entitled, Bill Cosby Far from Finished, which aired on Comedy Central on November 23, 2017 The last show of the tour took place on May 2, 2017, which is just two months from him turning 78 It does show his l ongevity and staying power, being able to produce comedy material and work dates even at an advanced age But it was during this time when the allegations of sexual assault that were in the periphery eventually became a major issue, one that would put a blemish on his legacy. It Took a Brazen Young Comic to Take Him Down. While Cosby had always been a subject of sexual assault allegations, it wasn t that big of a deal at first It took a young stand-up comic named Hannibal Buress to do a bit on Cosby and his alleged sexual transgressions in his own special on October 2017, which was very risky and potentially career-ending But it was this brazen act that was the straw that broke the camel s back as the resulting controversy finally got eyes to look towards what had been glaring all along Hannibal Buress now-infamous Cosby bit went viral on the Internet, which then produced memes that took on a life of their own as the accusations started to pick up steam The bit started off with questionin g Cosby s legacy of talking down to young African-American men about their dress and lifestyle, then suddenly questioning how Cosby could judge them when he had raped women Buress would then encourage everyone to Google Bill Cosby rape when they got home He had been doing this same Cosby routine for six months before the special with little to no response, but this October 2017 was the breaking point that finally took things to the next level The viral bit also roughly corresponded to the release of Cosby s biography, Cosby His Life and Times. The Internet Facilitated His Downfall. Since Hannibal Buress routine went viral, the Internet had been merciless and over 50 women surfaced to confirm accusations of Cosby drugging and raping them The earliest incidents went back to the mid-1960s when Cosby s career was just starting to take off There had already been women who accused him of these acts, but it was this sudden turn of events that had more alleged victims coming out of the woodwork Cosby s responses to these allegations also garnered notice from a wide audience, from him making fun of the accusations to the public release of his testimony from the 2005 civil lawsuit filed against him by Andrea Constand, wherein he admitted to casual sex involving the use of Quaaludes with a series of young women. Jell-O Rebranding Pudding Pops. Throughout all of this, various entities that were previously associated with him eventually severed ties in light of information that surfaced mostly throughout 2017 Among them is Jell-O, the brand that had long been synonymous with Bill Cosby The company had announced that Pudding Pops would undergo a rebranding, thus putting an end to its status as the Bill Cosby pudding There had been concerns of Pudding Pops now seen as reminders and representations of his alleged misdeeds The revamp is being done mainly to appease consumers and to preserve their own public image Scenarios such as this are not uncommon in corporate America as recalls an d product revamps seem to populate the news from time to time for countless reasons. His Honorary Degrees Are Being Rescinded. Along with companies putting a stop to their associations to the once-respected product endorser, over a dozen academic establishments that once honored Cosby with awards and honorary degrees have rescinded them Numerous organizations have also severed ties with the comedian, with previously awarded honors and titles now revoked. Reruns of His Shows Have Been Pulled Out. Finally, the shows that made him a household name that had been in syndication have been pulled out by networks, including The Cosby Show Meanwhile, some of his former co-stars and colleagues had come forward in defense of the now-elderly comedian. Bill Cosby had done a lot of good throughout his career, but he was far from perfect as his personal life may have been holding some dark secrets Whether these secrets are indeed as his accusers described, we can only look back at a career of an entertain er and the Bill Cosby pudding as the changed media landscape now dominated by the far-less-forgiving social media arena continues to tear into his legacy. Back in 2004, everyone got to see the movie Napoleon Dynamite If you re not really that familiar with the movie, then you re missing quite a lot in life Napoleon is that awkward teen who has that curly and ruffled hair, a distinct accent and a pair of large lenses This indie movie turned out to be a success, which is why it was then turned into a TV series in 2017 It s hideously funny and the animation was just right The main character, Napoleon always talks about his favorite animal, the Liger, which he loosely explained as a half lion and a half tiger From there on people started to ask questions like Are ligers real and Do they really exist at all So let s get the facts straight and see what Ligers are. Ligers are the result of putting a Mama Tiger and and Papa Lion in one room. Yup, you read that right We all know that tigers are mo stly from Asia, and lions are from Africa or did you know at all , and if you do know your geography then you know that there s no chance that these two can mate in the wild But of course, thanks to zoos all over the world, we don t really need to fly off to Africa or Asia just to lay our eyes on these two beautiful beasts The problem however is that due to the confined spaces, sometimes, the female animals in heat would mate with species that aren t really their kind and poof you get hybrid species. Ligers were bred by accident. By accident indeed While these two animals are found in two separate continents in the world, there is this one place in the world where these two species overlap the Gir National Forest However dry and arid the area is, there s no telling if this was where it all began Then breeders began to couple the male lion and the female lion to create these creatures. They are more like their Dads than their Moms. Ligers got their facial features from their Moms They have spotted faces with the distinct shape of a tiger s head Their body structure resembles more of their Dad s, large, domineering body wrapped in a thick golden fur Apart from that it is seen that their genetic coding also says that they are more like their fathers than their mothers. They re more prone to diseases because of their faulty genetics. Genetics can be very difficult to put up with It dictates the body s structure, function and even physiology One genetic mutation could cause diseases and even deaths even before one is born Given that fact, it s very understandable why ligers are very high risk species Thanks to the differing DNAs of their parents, genetic abnormalities develop and therefore create more and more physiological problems for these animals. Baby ligers are delivered only through Caesarian deliveries. Baby ligers are so huge they can t possibly be delivered through normal delivery procedure They could tear their mother s birth canal So, instead of the normal delivery, the C-section is done to safely pull out the baby from the mother s womb and to make sure that the Momma Tiger won t die from giving birth. Ligers are thought to be the biggest cats in the world. Record shows that they can grow up to 10 feet or more Lions can grow up to 4 to 6 feet, while tigers can be 7 to 9 feet long, which can be the reason why these animals can grow so big Their size is no match to any basketball player out there Yao Ming stands at 7 6 while Hasheem Thabeet is 7 3 That s a 3 feet deficit Can you even imagine how big ligers can be No wonder they re the biggest cats in the world. They can grow pretty heavy as well. These animals don t just grow big, but they also weigh immensely heavy Hercules, the liger from Miami weighed 410 kg, Nook from Wisconsin weighed 550 kg and Patrick from LA was 420 kg That s roughly equivalent to the weight of 7 people. They can run as fast as a Ford Focus. The recorded speed of a Liger is at 50 mph they can be as fast as a Ford Focus Electric, Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf They re just a bit slower than the Cheetah, which can run up to 70 mph Now that is pretty impressive for an animal so large and so heavy. They can roar like a lion or grow like a tiger depending on the situation. Given that they have such different parents, it really no surprise that they would inherit a specific trait or two That long list of characteristics and traits also include the sound that they can make They say that ligers most of the time would sound like a lion, but there are some instances when you can hear them growl like tigers instead. They live very short lives Guess the 9 lives theory doesn t apply to them. Because of their faulty genetics, genes are not expressed properly and it could get pretty messy with their DNAs as well That could affect them in so many ways We mentioned earlier that they are more prone to diseases, which make their lives even shorter than they are intended to be So if you do fancy seeing a liger with your own eyes, you better make sure that you see it pronto because it wouldn t really last that long. Animal hybrids are very common Remember the mules They re produced by a donkey and a horse If you also have come across a Savannah Cat, then you ought to know that they re from mating a domestic cat with an African cat They re created sometimes for a specific purpose, and sometimes, they re just an anomaly of nature that turns into something that s worth everyone s attention There are many more animal hybrids out there Do you know one Let us know. Small wild cats are not so different from the purring felines that live in our homes They are a little larger, stockier, and have longer tails than their domestic descendants, but they are identifiable in appearance from which our house pets descended Like the Borneo Bay Cat, these little wild cats have adapted to their wild environments and have blended thoroughly into the jungle Let s get to know better these cats that are smaller, but incredibly intelligent an d witty. African Golden Cat. The African Golden Cat is about double the size of a big domestic cat with short tail, large paws and long legs It has a robust build with rounded heads which is considerably smaller than its body Their primary preys are rodents, birds, monkeys, hogs and squirrels These cats can live up to twelve years in captivity, but their life span in the wild is not known. Asian Golden Cat. Known in Burma and Thailand as the fire cat, and in parts of China as the rock cat, the Asia Golden cats are the second largest group of Asiatic felines that inhabits in Southeastern Asia regions They are medium-sized with stocky build and weigh up to 35 pounds Their territories are primarily found in forests, including tropical and subtropical rainforest, as well as rocky areas These cats usually have a solitary life, hunting reptiles, birds, rodents, smaller mammals young water buffalo , and farm animals poultry, sheep and goats. Iberian Lynx. Iberian, or Spanish, Lynx Lynx pardinus , i s considered as highly endangered wild cat because of the disastrous crashes of European hares and rabbits through introduced diseases They inhabit mountainous wooded areas in southwest Spain, and are also found in Portugal As the other Lynx species, it has a ruff, black ear tufts, wide feet and a short black-tipped tail Various conservation programs are ongoing to prevent its extinction. Black-footed Cat. Among the small wild cats, the Black-foot cat is the smallest in South Africa and listed as vulnerable Due to its fierce nature when cornered, the cat is referred to as the anthill tiger They live in various regions of Southern Africa, including Nambia, Zimbabwe, and parts of Angola These cats usually hunt during night time beginning at sundown until sunrise Their preys are small animals like small birds, rodents, insects and spiders Its unique characteristic is hiding its prey to be eaten at a later time They got their name from the black coloring on the bottom of their feet, and they have large, round eyes. Borneo Bay Cat. Considered as a mystery member of the cat family, the Borneo Bay Cats are found only in Borneo, a small island in Indonesia, where they inhabit limestone rocks that border forests and jungles They are about the size of a large house cat, with a uniform, dark, chestnut red fur faintly speckled with black markings Its teeth are quite unusual, with the first upper premolar being smaller in size Borneo Bay cat is so elusive that it took over a century before researchers got a chance to study a live one in detail Genetic testing discovered the cat is a unique species and is regarded as highly endangered. Unlike many other wild cats, the Bobcats are not an endangered species They can be found from the southern parts of Canada through the northern regions of Mexico, as well as in Nova Scotia These cats are relatively small, but with their extremely muscular and stocky build, they can take down a deer They are difficult, secretive, solitary and adaptable T hey are good climbers and swimmers and eat almost any type of prey. The Serval cats have 19 recognized subspecies They are native to Africa and majority of them are distributed across the south of Sahara in the Savannah near watercourses They are closely related to both the African gold cat and the Caracal Their bodies have black spots and a few stripes over a golden coat Sometimes, from a distance, they are mistaken for leopards or black panthers because of their large black ears that peek out of the grass These wild cats have the longest legs, relative to the body size of any cats, which allow them to jump and run up to 80 kilometers per hour and they can travel as much as 3 or 4 kilometers each night searching for food. The Sand Cat. The Sand Cat, considered as a rare species, is the smallest of all wild cats that can be found in the arid deserts of northern Africa and the Southwest and Central Asia They have peculiar adaptation allowing them to live in places where other cats could no t Their dense coat of fur insulates them from chilly temperatures at night, and they have strands of black hair on their paws to protect their toes from blazing sands They are regarded as non-aggressive and docile, making them a target for illegal pet traders. Scottish Wild Cat. Scottish wild cats are a very muscular tabby cat with thick coat of brown black fur with mild strips The shape of their face has resemblance with domesticated cats, but is typically twice bigger than domestic felines This type of cat is unique to Britain and can only be found in Scotland. The Margay is small spotted cat that can be found in Central and South America It has a clever ability not seen in any of the other cats They are skilled at hunting amid the rainforest trees by nabbing anything like squirrels and frogs They are also capable of setting up a trap and can mimic the call of a small monkey to lure prey closer. Wild cats are the probable family of our housecats, with the genetic trail for the split betw een wild and domestic cats dating back about 10,000 years ago Knowing them better would surely make us understand and appreciate their unique capabilities in surviving in the wild. If you have money to invest, is investing in gold a good idea. Such question and other similar queries are just proper for anyone who is in the process of making a choice where to put one s money in Actually there are so many types of investment available Investing in gold or silver, and later to sell it is just one of your many options. Before one further pursues this question, you must know certain basic facts about gold investment.1 Gold is the most popular form of investment among precious metals. Gold is part of men s history since the dawn of civilization and will continue to play a vital part in the present time and in the future The allure and appeal of this yellow metal to man s mind and imagination is beyond dispute. Just like silver and platinum, gold is a precious metal which has a high demand through out the world As such, gold has high economic values A number of people invest their money in gold as a strategy to preserve and maintain capital during hard economic times. Some people reason out that in case an economy collapsed, the value of money will be worthless In this scenario, you could trade in gold as a substitute for money. Investment in gold serves as a hedge or protection against political, social and economic uncertainty or instability The prices of gold tend to go up in the event of political or economic turmoil especially when the inflation is high.2 Investment in gold is a high-risk investment. High-risk investment is a kind of investment that carries with it a high potential risk or risk of loss in return for large profit or gains While it is true that you can earn huge amount of profits from gold, there is always the tendency of losing some or all of your financial investment If you are really contemplating investing money in gold then you must be in a position to affo rd losing your investment funds in view of the risk.3 The market for gold is subject to speculation. Just like in any other type of high-risk investment, gold is always subject to speculation like in futures contracts and derivatives Future contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a particular commodity of definite quality and quantity based on the price today, the delivery and payment of which is to be made at a specific future date This simply reflects the expectation and intentions between the buyers who hopes that the price will be going to increase, while the seller hopes that the price will go down in the future.4 The price of gold is subject to supply and demand. The price of gold is always subject to market fluctuations based on the supply and demand side of the market If you are planning to invest in gold, or buy and sell gold, you must constantly monitor any development in the market especially the price movement of gold and must be decisive and quick to make any decision to insure profits and avoid losses on the basis of gold market indicators.5 Gold does not earn interest or dividends. Unlike money in the banks or stocks of a company, gold itself as a form of investment does not earn any interest or dividends The intrinsic value of gold depends upon factors outside of itself which is the appreciation or depreciation of its prices Thus, it appears that it will always have this speculative element. To be a wise investor in gold and to find the right answer to the question is investing in gold a good idea you must have an informed judgment One way of doing this is to weigh and consider the facts presented here Your sound judgment in the light of the basic facts is good as gold. Forex Trading or Foreign Exchange Trading is one of the forms of business ventures you might consider placing your money But have you ever heard of the word forex trading computers. It is not about selling your computers in a foreign exchange floor I m sure there are man y things you don t know about forex trading computers and what a forex trading guide is, if it is your first time to venture out in such undertakings. What are Forex Trading Computers. It is simply a specialized type of computer system solely built to cater to your requirements and needs in the forex market trading laptops, multiple monitor arrays and memory bundles It s all about high performance PC You need to have the right tools and equipment to make your pursuit in forex trading more professional, more efficient, more effective and more economical. Surely a forex trading computer will enhance the way you do things in your office Even if you are full-time or part time in the forex trading business, you cannot afford not to have a more accurate forex trading guide which a forex trading computer can do. Based on the nature of the forex trading, you are the ultimate judge and arbiter if you re going to trade on any trading day or not But when you decided to do so, you must be properly equ ipped with the right tools that would give you a cutting edge and leverage over other traders not using forex trading computers. If you intend to succeed in this trade, then needless to say, you need to have an office and the kind of computers and everything connected with it which is suited for this purpose. Importance of Forex Trading Computers. Data are needed for immediate decision making concerning the trends going on in the forex trading on any given day You cannot afford to miss a single data crucial to your investment decision-making process whether to buy or to sell or to hold or retain currencies. Forex trading is both fluid and volatile Once the trading session opens on a given day until it the session close, you must be actively monitoring each and every trend and development in your forex trading computer. What you re going to be monitoring through your forex trading computers is a market where there are active players of buyers and sellers engage in investment decision every n ow and then where the timeliness of your decision determines your profits or loss. As an investor in the forex trade, you speak and express yourself through your forex trading computers It is a good business strategy to have at least two or three monitors so that you can keep on tract with your trade and for you to view at once all the pertinent data such as the history charts. In a business such as forex trading, forex trading computers are fast and more efficient with regards to data processing and complex mathematical computation than the average human mind However, when it comes to decision-making it is you with the human mind and brain power that has the final say. Forex trading computers are your means to an end sound, wise and better investment decision making process to maximize your earnings. Forex, or foreign exchange market and sometimes called the FX or currency market, deals with the global movement of currencies The participants in these trading processes are typically the bi g banks This is open 24 hours for every single weekday of the week Traders deal with the different currencies in the different parts of the world using the best Forex trading strategies. On a larger scale, Forex operates on different layers From the bigger financial institutions dealings goes through the dealers that proactively trades foreign exchange These dealers can be smaller bank institutions or they can be insurance firms or other types of financial company. As for business owners, foreign exchange works as a safety net for business owners This process is done through locking in a fixed rate until the trading of commodities is done after a few days This is to allow both companies very minimal loss, just in case. How is it possible that people are now able to trade currencies. It was mentioned earlier that Forex usually involved bigger banks and financial institutions Then how come people who do not own a bank are able to participate in Forex This was made possible because of the int ernet Platforms were created so that people from the different parts of the world can have access to the data regarding foreign exchange This opened an avenue for retail F orex trading. The Major Players in Forex. When compared to stocks, where stocks have an endless list of products and brands, Forex traders usually only follow the major currencies that usually affect the world market as their forex trading guide These are as follows. Some of the Market Concepts. There are several approaches to trading, whether it is in Forex or stocks The best forex trading strategies depend on your goal and what your goal is and how comfortable you are with a certain approach It is best, however, to get more information about these different approaches so you can choose whichever suits you best. In addition, keep in mind that in foreign exchange trading, you are selling a currency to purchase another currency So say for example, you have a Japanese Yen in your portfolio and you want to purchase US dollar currency You will need to take some or all of your Japanese Yen, in exchange to US dollars And when you change your mind and you want to buy back the Japanese Yen because you see a good and better potential, you will have to use your US dollars to buy the Japanese Yen With that being said, a forex trading will have to include two currencies because you make your earnings from the differences in the value between two currencies. Another approach traders do which is typically recommended for new traders in forex is leveraging the returns When done properly it doubles up your investment after a certain period of time For example if there was an investment of 5,000 with 100,000 shares for USD JPY and you got a yield of 7 5 , a foreseen 10 1 leverage would yield to a total of 3,760 every year An amount that is a lot higher versus putting your 5,000 in a bank which is expected to earn a total of 250 a year. With the best forex trading strategies shared with you, are you ready to start trading today. Coin collectors are known to be very sentimental and even invest in copper pennies But a lot of people wonder whether saving up on cents is a good idea There are those who swear by copper pennies as the better alternative to gold or silver investing While there are those and they number in the majority who think that pennies are just a waste of time Is investing in copper pennies a good investment or not. Let s see both sides of the debate You can make up your own mind whether the value of pennies as an investment is a penny-wise move, or a dollar-foolish one.1 The Copper in Copper Pennies is worth more than a cent. As of this writing, the melt price for scrap copper is around 3 24 A typical copper penny weighs around 3 11 grams Let s do some math here to come up with an amount To get a pound of copper from copper pennies, you need approximately 146 copper pennies Calculate how much a hundred and forty six pennies cost 1 46.The math should be proof enough for you Get enough copper pennies, melt them, and then sell them by the pound You get a 45 profit from this application but take into consideration how much it costs melting metal.2 Copper Pennies have considerable value as collectors items. Coin collectors are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a penny that s rare There are several pennies that never saw circulation and these are the coins that coin collectors will pay an arm and leg for.1 You need a lot of coins. If you did the math above then you can certainly calculate how many coins it will take you to come up with a profit of, let s say, 100 Ok, we know you hate math so we re doing it for you You need at least 4,507 pennies to earn a hundred bucks Where can you find pennies that many.2 Some Pennies are Not even Copper. Pennies minted after 1982 are made of zinc As you all know, zinc costs less than copper They are also lighter than their copper counterparts You ll definitely need more and more zinc pennies to eke out a good profit.3 Melting coins are il legal. At least those that are currently in circulation Make sure you check on your pennies before even considering melting them.4 Melting can be expensive. You need to find a good metal smith to do the job right And these guys can charge you a pretty penny pun intended You can do it yourself, but we will warn you in advance that it can be difficult and dangerous. There you go the pros and the cons Always remember that there are two sides to a coin, copper pennies included Investing in copper pennies can be a fun hobby, especially if you re out to collect the rare ones But if you plan on melting the metal to sell then you need quite a lot of them to turn in a profit A lot of people will argue that it s just not worth the effort. Have you heard about this great opportunity online that allows people to earn lots of money while at the comforts of their home Thissounds pretty easy to start, as long as, you have some amount to start with Besides, if this random guy was able to become successful in Forex trading, why can t you But, before jumping in, you definitely will want to know how Forex works It just makes sense to understand at least the basic of things before you start investing. How do People Earn in Forex. Back in the days, before the dawn of the internet, Forex is simply just changing your currency to the local currency of the country you are visiting and that s about it, whereas nowadays, Forex could mean two things for different people One, something to stay away from because it is difficult, or two, something that will make you instantly rich The truth is, what most people think about Forex is just 10 true One of the truths includes Forex as a form of trading People earn in this trading by understanding the forex trading signals. The earnings in Forex lie between the trader s ability to foresee how a certain currency is going to behave against another Although, there are different approaches about knowing how to trade currency two of the most common ones are day tr ading and leveraging. In day trading, investors do not leave anything in the portfolio overnight Although the investment is a little high for the profit to matter, this could potentially provide a great return especially if the trader was lucky enough to invest in a good pair. With leveraging, however, there is endless possibility even with a slightly smaller starting amount But instead of selling a trade at the end of the day, traders tend to stick to the portfolio for a certain period of time This puts a safety net in times when a currency dips a little lower than expected In addition, with the way that is designed, traders are advised to hold their emotions together and not get carried away too much For example, the power of an investment that can be doubled or tripled could result to a bigger loss if not moderated properly. In a lot of ways, Forex can be compared to the stock market but is also a distinct market in itself Although, technically, it is not a traditional market, due to t he fact that it does not have an actual store, the earnings in knowing how to trade currency are relatively good. Those people who want to start their endeavor with foreign exchange investments however are advised to take extra effort to learn the market Even though they have backgrounds in stock markets, people are advised to take this trading more seriously by actually learning how Forex works This is for them to avoid huge losses and for them to also make a good decision when they start investing In this way, they know what to expect and at least have an idea what to do next. Posts navigation. Recent Posts. A lot of people encounter day a day by day basis with a question in their minds They are simple questions yet mind boggling Those questions keep taunting our minds even if we are about to sleep, even if we are busy figuring out other things Others may say, they were common queries about things and life but we just can t help it right We often ask ourselves, why this , why that , how and we simply can t find satisfying answers for this Isn t it displeasing We crave to know the counter but we just can t But we guess, we can find the answers to your questions The insiders are ready to answer your faqs Yes This site will let you see the views of the insiders about your issue about life, love, things, name it and we re ready to respond to your inquest Continue reading Insider FAQ. In the Land of Love in Paris, France, Henri Dsir Landru, the real-life Bluebeard was born on April 12, 1869 to a modest family From Charles Perrault s The Tales of Mother Goose, Bluebeard was a mean old character Although he was very rich, and was a fine man suitable for any woman, he scared them away with his blue beard According to the story, Bluebeard nearly killed his wife, Anne by slitting her throat because she disobeyed his command, and found out about the secret cabinet where the dead bodies of his past seven wives were He had killed them all before they got married. Henri Landru was ca lled the real-life Bluebeard because he attracted women with advertisements that he had put in the newspapers These ads would read Widower with two children, aged 43, with comfortable income, serious and moving in good society, desires to meet widow with a view to matrimony, and would be published in the Lonely Hearts section of the Parisian newspaper And because World War I was happening during this time, there were a lot of widows who fell victim to Landru In his lifetime, before he met his fate at the guillotine in February 1922, he murdered 10 ladies, including one of the ladies sons Here are the 10 lady victims of the Real Life Bluebeard. Madame Jeanne-Marie Cuchet. She was a 39-year old widow who had lived with Andr, her 16-year old son She met Henri Landru at a time when it was difficulty to make ends meet because she kept a small-time job at a lingerie shop As any romantic relation, their romance had challenging times, but they managed to make their relationship last Before they were even married, during one of their fights Chuchet asked her brother-in-law to go to Landru s villa with her so that they could make amends Her brother-in-law found a chest with love letters to and from many other women Instead of heeding her family s advice to leave Landru, Cuchet moved to a villa in Vernouillet with her son Landru also moved in with them, and the last time they were seen alive was in January 1915.Madame Thrse Laborde-Line. She was next She was married to a hotel owner before she was widowed July of 1915, when she moved in to Landru s villa with two dogs was the last time she was seen alive Her friends remember her telling them about marrying an irresistible engineer from Brazil Her neighbors later reported that it was Henri Landru who took her furniture from her home, and moved them to his house He also sent some of her furniture to a garage facility. Madame Marie-Anglique Desiree Pelletier Guillin. She was one of his more senior victims She was already 51 years of a ge The widow was last seen just a month after Madame Laborde-Dine disappeared, also in Landru s villa She had an inheritance of 22,000 Francs something that was very attractive to Landru. Madame Berthe-Anna Hon. She also disappeared in the same year, just months later in December She was last seen in Madame Cuchet s villa in Vernouillet, where Landru moved in before his first murder. Madame Anne Collomb. She was last seen alive on Christmas Day, the same year that Madame Hon disappeared Her sister, Madame Pelat, was worried that did not receive any replies to the letters she sent Anne, so she contacted the Mayor of Gambais in France. Andre-Anne Babelay. She was only 19 years old She was last seen in March of the following year She was a mere servant girl who was of no use to Landru Her murder still appears mysterious as she on her way to visit her mother when she met up with Landru, and disappeared. Madame Clestine Buisson. She was courted by Landru after two years of being preoccupied with hi s other businesses and fraudulent ways Like his other victims, Madame Buisson was a rich widow After a year of courting her, Landru convinced her to move in with him alone She sent her son to live with his aunt instead She was last seen alive in April of 1917.Madame Louise-Josphine Jaume. She was last seen alive in November of the same year She mysteriously disappeared in Gambais His villa in Gambais was searched by authorities after Madame Buisson s sister, Mademoiselle Lacoste, searched for him They only found the remains of two dogs in the villa Later on, his neighbors reported unpleasant black smoke coming out of his chimney where he had a wrought iron stove installed. Madame Anne-Marie Pascal. She was then 38, went missing in the earlier part of 1918.Madame Marie-Thrse Marchadier. She was last seen alive almost a year later in January of 1919 She was known among French Army officers as an entertainer by the stage name La Belle Mythese Landru visited her just wanting to buy her furnitu re Eventually, their relationship developed into friendship When she went with him to Gambais during the latter part of 1918, she had led herself to an untimely disappearance. Through the investigation and trials, Henri Landru maintained that he was a gentleman He never admitted to the murders, except for when finally, his stove was inspected, and they found bones and teeth of the ladies, as well as fasteners for women s clothing In April 1919, he was arrested by the police He was in the company of another lady, this time, Fernande Segret, who was only 27 years old. When authorities figured that he burned the remains of his victims, he was sentenced to death by guillotine He was executed just months after he got convicted in 1922 His severed head is still on display at the Museum of Death in Hollywood, California. The Second World War claimed millions of lives both military and civilians all over the world in the years that it lasted The most infamous figure of World War II was Adolf Hitl er, who led Germany to war against many nations in the world Countless men enlisted in the military to fight for their respective countries, but there were also women who fought along the frontlines to defend their land Most of these women were really not members of the military they enlisted because they saw the need to be involved in the defense of their countries One of these brave women who battled alongside the men was Roza Shanina There were those who fought both in their home countries and abroad where their military had bases. But the military was not the only field where the women excelled or got involved in during World War II Because the men were deployed, whether voluntarily or compulsorily, women took the place of men in different jobs and industries They were called on by their own countries to help the men not only in fighting, but in replacing them in their previous jobs before they were deployed in war Prepare to be blown away by their bravery and willingness to serve. B efore the Wars, the military was a field that women were prohibited and was regarded only as men s turf But as the demand for more forces during World War II increased, many countries started to consider enlisting women to increase their numbers There were a lot of notable women in the military during the Second World War, and of these was Roza Shanina She was born Roza Georgiyevna Shanina in Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia in 1924 Her older brother Mikhail Shanin was killed in combat in Leningrad This was what prompted Roza Shanina to leave her job as a teacher in kindergarten and enlist in the military She became a sniper for the Russian forces and her number of kills was listed at 59 She was eventually killed in combat in January of 1945 Other military tasks that women participated in were anti-aircraft gunners, mechanics, drivers and radio dispatchers. Women with nursing and medical degrees helped in curing not only the ill during the war but most specially those who were wounded in comb at Many nurses were stationed in overseas bases to care for the wounded They were not spared by the war as their bases were also targets for bombings by the enemies. Ambulance Services. To make up for the lack of male work force during the War, women were required to drive ambulances that would transport the wounded and sick to hospitals It was not a glamorous job to be an ambulance driver as the women were in constant contact with blood and gore, but they did what they had to do back then. Factory Work. Many women chose to work in factories, with jobs ranging from making military uniforms, ammunition and many others Long work hours took up most of women s time and some even had to live near the factories where they worked to make it easy for them Skilled females were paid less than their unskilled male counterparts, and because of this some women factory workers went on strike to demand for equal pay. Voluntary Service. The Women s Voluntary Service in London offered free services to milita ry forces such as giving refreshments to fire fighters right after a raid, and many more free services There were a million members by 1943, but majority of the members were the elderly population, because the younger women were working in factories and other places and no longer had the time to do volunteer work. Industrial Operation. Welding, heavy equipment operation and repair and tractor operation were just some of the industrial jobs the women took on during the War They became invaluable in this industry because the male workforce was deployed for war There were no other else that would do their jobs but the women, so they took on these roles and did a great job of them. Mechanical Jobs. Women were asked to drive trams, trains and other heavy automobiles so that the men can be freed from these jobs and focusing in fighting They also became mechanics that could repair their own vehicles. Even male engineers were enlisted to join the War, so the women took over their jobs and let every one see that they too, could work this kind of job, and not only serve as housewives and do women s work They excelled in engineering during the War and later on they were encouraged to dabble in the industry even after the war. Aside from building airplanes, the women were also trained to build ships that will serve as warships of their countries that will transport military forces into enemy waters. Plumbing was another field that women were forced to work in They took care of the plumbing needs of their community so that everyone will enjoy clean water for food and consumption. Aircraft Building. Women were enlisted to help built airplanes for combat so that there were more aircraft that the government could use to battle their enemies It was hard work, as the women were not used to hard labor prior to the War But they did what they were asked and did a great job in building warplanes. Secret Service. British women worked in the secret service They were parachuted into France to gather in formation essential to give the Brits leverage against the French during the invasion of Normandy in 1944 It was dangerous work for women because torture, capture and death were what awaited them if they were caught spying. Women s Land Army. When the men got deployed to war at home or overseas, the number of farmers dwindled drastically, so the Australian government enlisted the help of women to till the soil and plant food so that the country would not run out of food resources, especially during the War Working conditions were harsh, as many women farm workers were forced to live in isolated communities without electricity, running water and the basic necessities. Auxiliary Territorial Service. In Britain during the war, the Army had the Auxiliary Territorial Service branch The ads for women to join were very enticing, leading them to believe that the jobs in the ATS were glamorous, and they would wear khaki uniforms just like those in the forces The latter was true, but the former was just a ploy to get women to join the ATS The jobs that waited for them were to clean mess halls, become cleaners, drivers and even potato peelers. Evacuation Officers. Women also served as evacuation officers in charge of transporting women, children and the elderly to evacuation camps to keep them safe from bombings, air raids and gunfire. It can never be denied the importance of women like Roza Shanina during World War II, not just in fighting with guns but also taking over the jobs that the men left to fight for their countries There is not much recognition for the women during the War, but these days they are still remembered for their invaluable contributions. While comedian Bill Cosby may be in over his head at this point, with allegations of sexual assault plunging his public image into deep water, his impact as an actor, product endorser, and advocate for education are still more or less undeniable He had been a symbol of civil rights, being an African-American comedian and actor w ho garnered success during and after the Civil Rights Movement, showing that African-Americans can indeed succeed His life and career have definitely been eventful, so here are 12 facts you may not know much about that spans over five decades, including a bit about the Bill Cosby pudding commercials. A Stand-up Comedian. While much of Bill Cosby s career is known for his extensive television work, comedy connoisseurs would point to his stand-up act as his best work He dropped out of college to pursue his comedy career, taking up the microphone at clubs in Philadelphia and New York during the 1960s He would then book dates in Chicago, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Washington D C He then appeared in The Tonight Show on NBC at the summer of 1963, then got a recording contract with Warner Bros Records He would release his debut LP Bill Cosby is a Very Funny Fellow Right that would propel him to comedy stardom. He did his stand-up work mostly during the same time as the Civil Rights Movement, wherein many African-American comedians were pushing the envelope by including racial topics in their comedy Cosby was the exception, with his comedy mostly consisting of humorous recollections of his childhood Audiences have wondered about this and some even criticized his choice of material, especially after he gained national exposure He would defend his comedy arguing that, A white person listens to my act and he laughs and he thinks, Yeah, that s the way I see it too Okay He s white I m Negro And we both see things the same way That must mean that we are alike Right So I figure this way I m doing as much for good race relations as the next guy. Start of His TV Stardom. For most people, they know Bill Cosby for his television work He started this by being cast in the weekly adventure series I Spy on NBC After the series had been rejected by four stations, it then became a ratings hit and Cosby garnered three consecutive Emmy Awards for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series While a ccepting his third award, he exclaimed in his acceptance speech, Let the message be known to bigots and racists that they don t count He would continue to do stand-up comedy while pursuing other TV projects, culminating in The Bill Cosby Show It ran for two seasons and garnered modest success, and The New Bill Cosby Show was much of the same He would then get a hit with the Saturday morning show Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids, a show he hosted that would become closely associated with him even after it ended. Film Work During the 70s. It was the era of blaxploitation films, when many African-American actors performed stereotypical characters turned caricatures and parodies in movies made for urban black audiences During this time, Bill Cosby went against the tide by joining forces with other African-American actors like Sidney Poiteir to make comedy films that were met with modest success, but most of it fell flat It was during this time when Cosby s career had hit a glass ceiling. The Cos by Show. After the grueling stagnation period of the 1970s, it seemed that Bill Cosby somehow pulled himself out and went back on the upswing during the 1980s with the debut of The Cosby Show on September 1984 It was a sitcom that responded to the increasing vulgarity and violence in network television at the time, featuring an upper middle class African-American family with parents who are college educated and financially successful, as well as children who are being raised to do the same The show would go off the air eight years later in 1992.Jell-O Commercials. As he started to become a household name, he became one of the first African-Americans to appear as an advertising spokesperson in the 1960s, paving the way for many others to follow his footsteps He started with endorsing cigars, and then he endorsed the product that would become virtually synonymous with him He had been long linked to Jell-O pudding and gelatin products through his many endorsements, including commercials tha t had become part of American pop culture This includes Jello Pudding Pops that Cosby helped popularize throughout America with TV commercials for the dessert that wiggles and jiggles during the 1980s. An Advocate for Education. When The Bill Cosby Show went off the air, Cosby went back to school and got his bachelor s degree He then did his graduate work at the University of Massachusetts Amherst while recording segments teaching kids how to read for the PBS series The Electric Company He would then receive his Master s degree before going back into prime time television Since then, he had become an advocate for education, which subsequently garnered him several honorary degrees from different schools throughout his life He was also an outspoken critic of young African-Americans and hip-hop culture, including their mode of dress, use of vernacular in their language, and being enamored with the criminal lifestyle somewhat an extension of his work in the Cosby Show. He Still Does Stand-up. At the age of 76, he returned to the stage for his first stand-up special in 30 years, entitled, Bill Cosby Far from Finished, which aired on Comedy Central on November 23, 2017 The last show of the tour took place on May 2, 2017, which is just two months from him turning 78 It does show his longevity and staying power, being able to produce comedy material and work dates even at an advanced age But it was during this time when the allegations of sexual assault that were in the periphery eventually became a major issue, one that would put a blemish on his legacy. It Took a Brazen Young Comic to Take Him Down. While Cosby had always been a subject of sexual assault allegations, it wasn t that big of a deal at first It took a young stand-up comic named Hannibal Buress to do a bit on Cosby and his alleged sexual transgressions in his own special on October 2017, which was very risky and potentially career-ending But it was this brazen act that was the straw that broke the camel s back as th e resulting controversy finally got eyes to look towards what had been glaring all along Hannibal Buress now-infamous Cosby bit went viral on the Internet, which then produced memes that took on a life of their own as the accusations started to pick up steam The bit started off with questioning Cosby s legacy of talking down to young African-American men about their dress and lifestyle, then suddenly questioning how Cosby could judge them when he had raped women Buress would then encourage everyone to Google Bill Cosby rape when they got home He had been doing this same Cosby routine for six months before the special with little to no response, but this October 2017 was the breaking point that finally took things to the next level The viral bit also roughly corresponded to the release of Cosby s biography, Cosby His Life and Times. The Internet Facilitated His Downfall. Since Hannibal Buress routine went viral, the Internet had been merciless and over 50 women surfaced to confirm accusat ions of Cosby drugging and raping them The earliest incidents went back to the mid-1960s when Cosby s career was just starting to take off There had already been women who accused him of these acts, but it was this sudden turn of events that had more alleged victims coming out of the woodwork Cosby s responses to these allegations also garnered notice from a wide audience, from him making fun of the accusations to the public release of his testimony from the 2005 civil lawsuit filed against him by Andrea Constand, wherein he admitted to casual sex involving the use of Quaaludes with a series of young women. Jell-O Rebranding Pudding Pops. Throughout all of this, various entities that were previously associated with him eventually severed ties in light of information that surfaced mostly throughout 2017 Among them is Jell-O, the brand that had long been synonymous with Bill Cosby The company had announced that Pudding Pops would undergo a rebranding, thus putting an end to its status as t he Bill Cosby pudding There had been concerns of Pudding Pops now seen as reminders and representations of his alleged misdeeds The revamp is being done mainly to appease consumers and to preserve their own public image Scenarios such as this are not uncommon in corporate America as recalls and product revamps seem to populate the news from time to time for countless reasons. His Honorary Degrees Are Being Rescinded. Along with companies putting a stop to their associations to the once-respected product endorser, over a dozen academic establishments that once honored Cosby with awards and honorary degrees have rescinded them Numerous organizations have also severed ties with the comedian, with previously awarded honors and titles now revoked. Reruns of His Shows Have Been Pulled Out. Finally, the shows that made him a household name that had been in syndication have been pulled out by networks, including The Cosby Show Meanwhile, some of his former co-stars and colleagues had come forward in defense of the now-elderly comedian. Bill Cosby had done a lot of good throughout his career, but he was far from perfect as his personal life may have been holding some dark secrets Whether these secrets are indeed as his accusers described, we can only look back at a career of an entertainer and the Bill Cosby pudding as the changed media landscape now dominated by the far-less-forgiving social media arena continues to tear into his legacy. Back in 2004, everyone got to see the movie Napoleon Dynamite If you re not really that familiar with the movie, then you re missing quite a lot in life Napoleon is that awkward teen who has that curly and ruffled hair, a distinct accent and a pair of large lenses This indie movie turned out to be a success, which is why it was then turned into a TV series in 2017 It s hideously funny and the animation was just right The main character, Napoleon always talks about his favorite animal, the Liger, which he loosely explained as a half lion and a hal f tiger From there on people started to ask questions like Are ligers real and Do they really exist at all So let s get the facts straight and see what Ligers are. Ligers are the result of putting a Mama Tiger and and Papa Lion in one room. Yup, you read that right We all know that tigers are mostly from Asia, and lions are from Africa or did you know at all , and if you do know your geography then you know that there s no chance that these two can mate in the wild But of course, thanks to zoos all over the world, we don t really need to fly off to Africa or Asia just to lay our eyes on these two beautiful beasts The problem however is that due to the confined spaces, sometimes, the female animals in heat would mate with species that aren t really their kind and poof you get hybrid species. Ligers were bred by accident. By accident indeed While these two animals are found in two separate continents in the world, there is this one place in the world where these two species overlap the Gir N ational Forest However dry and arid the area is, there s no telling if this was where it all began Then breeders began to couple the male lion and the female lion to create these creatures. They are more like their Dads than their Moms. Ligers got their facial features from their Moms They have spotted faces with the distinct shape of a tiger s head Their body structure resembles more of their Dad s, large, domineering body wrapped in a thick golden fur Apart from that it is seen that their genetic coding also says that they are more like their fathers than their mothers. They re more prone to diseases because of their faulty genetics. Genetics can be very difficult to put up with It dictates the body s structure, function and even physiology One genetic mutation could cause diseases and even deaths even before one is born Given that fact, it s very understandable why ligers are very high risk species Thanks to the differing DNAs of their parents, genetic abnormalities develop and therefor e create more and more physiological problems for these animals. Baby ligers are delivered only through Caesarian deliveries. Baby ligers are so huge they can t possibly be delivered through normal delivery procedure They could tear their mother s birth canal So, instead of the normal delivery, the C-section is done to safely pull out the baby from the mother s womb and to make sure that the Momma Tiger won t die from giving birth. Ligers are thought to be the biggest cats in the world. Record shows that they can grow up to 10 feet or more Lions can grow up to 4 to 6 feet, while tigers can be 7 to 9 feet long, which can be the reason why these animals can grow so big Their size is no match to any basketball player out there Yao Ming stands at 7 6 while Hasheem Thabeet is 7 3 That s a 3 feet deficit Can you even imagine how big ligers can be No wonder they re the biggest cats in the world. They can grow pretty heavy as well. These animals don t just grow big, but they also weigh immensely hea vy Hercules, the liger from Miami weighed 410 kg, Nook from Wisconsin weighed 550 kg and Patrick from LA was 420 kg That s roughly equivalent to the weight of 7 people. They can run as fast as a Ford Focus. The recorded speed of a Liger is at 50 mph they can be as fast as a Ford Focus Electric, Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf They re just a bit slower than the Cheetah, which can run up to 70 mph Now that is pretty impressive for an animal so large and so heavy. They can roar like a lion or grow like a tiger depending on the situation. Given that they have such different parents, it really no surprise that they would inherit a specific trait or two That long list of characteristics and traits also include the sound that they can make They say that ligers most of the time would sound like a lion, but there are some instances when you can hear them growl like tigers instead. They live very short lives Guess the 9 lives theory doesn t apply to them. Because of their faulty genetics, genes are not expressed properly and it could get pretty messy with their DNAs as well That could affect them in so many ways We mentioned earlier that they are more prone to diseases, which make their lives even shorter than they are intended to be So if you do fancy seeing a liger with your own eyes, you better make sure that you see it pronto because it wouldn t really last that long. Animal hybrids are very common Remember the mules They re produced by a donkey and a horse If you also have come across a Savannah Cat, then you ought to know that they re from mating a domestic cat with an African cat They re created sometimes for a specific purpose, and sometimes, they re just an anomaly of nature that turns into something that s worth everyone s attention There are many more animal hybrids out there Do you know one Let us know. Small wild cats are not so different from the purring felines that live in our homes They are a little larger, stockier, and have longer tails than their domestic descendant s, but they are identifiable in appearance from which our house pets descended Like the Borneo Bay Cat, these little wild cats have adapted to their wild environments and have blended thoroughly into the jungle Let s get to know better these cats that are smaller, but incredibly intelligent and witty. African Golden Cat. The African Golden Cat is about double the size of a big domestic cat with short tail, large paws and long legs It has a robust build with rounded heads which is considerably smaller than its body Their primary preys are rodents, birds, monkeys, hogs and squirrels These cats can live up to twelve years in captivity, but their life span in the wild is not known. Asian Golden Cat. Known in Burma and Thailand as the fire cat, and in parts of China as the rock cat, the Asia Golden cats are the second largest group of Asiatic felines that inhabits in Southeastern Asia regions They are medium-sized with stocky build and weigh up to 35 pounds Their territories are primarily found in forests, including tropical and subtropical rainforest, as well as rocky areas These cats usually have a solitary life, hunting reptiles, birds, rodents, smaller mammals young water buffalo , and farm animals poultry, sheep and goats. Iberian Lynx. Iberian, or Spanish, Lynx Lynx pardinus , is considered as highly endangered wild cat because of the disastrous crashes of European hares and rabbits through introduced diseases They inhabit mountainous wooded areas in southwest Spain, and are also found in Portugal As the other Lynx species, it has a ruff, black ear tufts, wide feet and a short black-tipped tail Various conservation programs are ongoing to prevent its extinction. Black-footed Cat. Among the small wild cats, the Black-foot cat is the smallest in South Africa and listed as vulnerable Due to its fierce nature when cornered, the cat is referred to as the anthill tiger They live in various regions of Southern Africa, including Nambia, Zimbabwe, and parts of Angola These cats usu ally hunt during night time beginning at sundown until sunrise Their preys are small animals like small birds, rodents, insects and spiders Its unique characteristic is hiding its prey to be eaten at a later time They got their name from the black coloring on the bottom of their feet, and they have large, round eyes. Borneo Bay Cat. Considered as a mystery member of the cat family, the Borneo Bay Cats are found only in Borneo, a small island in Indonesia, where they inhabit limestone rocks that border forests and jungles They are about the size of a large house cat, with a uniform, dark, chestnut red fur faintly speckled with black markings Its teeth are quite unusual, with the first upper premolar being smaller in size Borneo Bay cat is so elusive that it took over a century before researchers got a chance to study a live one in detail Genetic testing discovered the cat is a unique species and is regarded as highly endangered. Unlike many other wild cats, the Bobcats are not an endangere d species They can be found from the southern parts of Canada through the northern regions of Mexico, as well as in Nova Scotia These cats are relatively small, but with their extremely muscular and stocky build, they can take down a deer They are difficult, secretive, solitary and adaptable They are good climbers and swimmers and eat almost any type of prey. The Serval cats have 19 recognized subspecies They are native to Africa and majority of them are distributed across the south of Sahara in the Savannah near watercourses They are closely related to both the African gold cat and the Caracal Their bodies have black spots and a few stripes over a golden coat Sometimes, from a distance, they are mistaken for leopards or black panthers because of their large black ears that peek out of the grass These wild cats have the longest legs, relative to the body size of any cats, which allow them to jump and run up to 80 kilometers per hour and they can travel as much as 3 or 4 kilometers each night searching for food. The Sand Cat. The Sand Cat, considered as a rare species, is the smallest of all wild cats that can be found in the arid deserts of northern Africa and the Southwest and Central Asia They have peculiar adaptation allowing them to live in places where other cats could not Their dense coat of fur insulates them from chilly temperatures at night, and they have strands of black hair on their paws to protect their toes from blazing sands They are regarded as non-aggressive and docile, making them a target for illegal pet traders. Scottish Wild Cat. Scottish wild cats are a very muscular tabby cat with thick coat of brown black fur with mild strips The shape of their face has resemblance with domesticated cats, but is typically twice bigger than domestic felines This type of cat is unique to Britain and can only be found in Scotland. The Margay is small spotted cat that can be found in Central and South America It has a clever ability not seen in any of the other cats Th ey are skilled at hunting amid the rainforest trees by nabbing anything like squirrels and frogs They are also capable of setting up a trap and can mimic the call of a small monkey to lure prey closer. Wild cats are the probable family of our housecats, with the genetic trail for the split between wild and domestic cats dating back about 10,000 years ago Knowing them better would surely make us understand and appreciate their unique capabilities in surviving in the wild. If you have money to invest, is investing in gold a good idea. Such question and other similar queries are just proper for anyone who is in the process of making a choice where to put one s money in Actually there are so many types of investment available Investing in gold or silver, and later to sell it is just one of your many options. Before one further pursues this question, you must know certain basic facts about gold investment.1 Gold is the most popular form of investment among precious metals. Gold is part of men s history since the dawn of civilization and will continue to play a vital part in the present time and in the future The allure and appeal of this yellow metal to man s mind and imagination is beyond dispute. Just like silver and platinum, gold is a precious metal which has a high demand throughout the world As such, gold has high economic values A number of people invest their money in gold as a strategy to preserve and maintain capital during hard economic times. Some people reason out that in case an economy collapsed, the value of money will be worthless In this scenario, you could trade in gold as a substitute for money. Investment in gold serves as a hedge or protection against political, social and economic uncertainty or instability The prices of gold tend to go up in the event of political or economic turmoil especially when the inflation is high.2 Investment in gold is a high-risk investment. High-risk investment is a kind of investment that carries with it a high potential risk o r risk of loss in return for large profit or gains While it is true that you can earn huge amount of profits from gold, there is always the tendency of losing some or all of your financial investment If you are really contemplating investing money in gold then you must be in a position to afford losing your investment funds in view of the risk.3 The market for gold is subject to speculation. Just like in any other type of high-risk investment, gold is always subject to speculation like in futures contracts and derivatives Future contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell a particular commodity of definite quality and quantity based on the price today, the delivery and payment of which is to be made at a specific future date This simply reflects the expectation and intentions between the buyers who hopes that the price will be going to increase, while the seller hopes that the price will go down in the future.4 The price of gold is subject to supply and demand. The price of gold is always subject to market fluctuations based on the supply and demand side of the market If you are planning to invest in gold, or buy and sell gold, you must constantly monitor any development in the market especially the price movement of gold and must be decisive and quick to make any decision to insure profits and avoid losses on the basis of gold market indicators.5 Gold does not earn interest or dividends. Unlike money in the banks or stocks of a company, gold itself as a form of investment does not earn any interest or dividends The intrinsic value of gold depends upon factors outside of itself which is the appreciation or depreciation of its prices Thus, it appears that it will always have this speculative element. To be a wise investor in gold and to find the right answer to the question is investing in gold a good idea you must have an informed judgment One way of doing this is to weigh and consider the facts presented here Your sound judgment in the light of the basi c facts is good as gold. Forex Trading or Foreign Exchange Trading is one of the forms of business ventures you might consider placing your money But have you ever heard of the word forex trading computers. It is not about selling your computers in a foreign exchange floor I m sure there are many things you don t know about forex trading computers and what a forex trading guide is, if it is your first time to venture out in such undertakings. What are Forex Trading Computers. It is simply a specialized type of computer system solely built to cater to your requirements and needs in the forex market trading laptops, multiple monitor arrays and memory bundles It s all about high performance PC You need to have the right tools and equipment to make your pursuit in forex trading more professional, more efficient, more effective and more economical. Surely a forex trading computer will enhance the way you do things in your office Even if you are full-time or part time in the forex trading busines s, you cannot afford not to have a more accurate forex trading guide which a forex trading computer can do. Based on the nature of the forex trading, you are the ultimate judge and arbiter if you re going to trade on any trading day or not But when you decided to do so, you must be properly equipped with the right tools that would give you a cutting edge and leverage over other traders not using forex trading computers. If you intend to succeed in this trade, then needless to say, you need to have an office and the kind of computers and everything connected with it which is suited for this purpose. Importance of Forex Trading Computers. Data are needed for immediate decision making concerning the trends going on in the forex trading on any given day You cannot afford to miss a single data crucial to your investment decision-making process whether to buy or to sell or to hold or retain currencies. Forex trading is both fluid and volatile Once the trading session opens on a given day until it the session close, you must be actively monitoring each and every trend and development in your forex trading computer. What you re going to be monitoring through your forex trading computers is a market where there are active players of buyers and sellers engage in investment decision every now and then where the timeliness of your decision determines your profits or loss. As an investor in the forex trade, you speak and express yourself through your forex trading computers It is a good business strategy to have at least two or three monitors so that you can keep on tract with your trade and for you to view at once all the pertinent data such as the history charts. In a business such as forex trading, forex trading computers are fast and more efficient with regards to data processing and complex mathematical computation than the average human mind However, when it comes to decision-making it is you with the human mind and brain power that has the final say. Forex trading computers are yo ur means to an end sound, wise and better investment decision making process to maximize your earnings. Forex, or foreign exchange market and sometimes called the FX or currency market, deals with the global movement of currencies The participants in these trading processes are typically the big banks This is open 24 hours for every single weekday of the week Traders deal with the different currencies in the different parts of the world using the best Forex trading strategies. On a larger scale, Forex operates on different layers From the bigger financial institutions dealings goes through the dealers that proactively trades foreign exchange These dealers can be smaller bank institutions or they can be insurance firms or other types of financial company. As for business owners, foreign exchange works as a safety net for business owners This process is done through locking in a fixed rate until the trading of commodities is done after a few days This is to allow both companies very minimal loss, just in case. How is it possible that people are now able to trade currencies. It was mentioned earlier that Forex usually involved bigger banks and financial institutions Then how come people who do not own a bank are able to participate in Forex This was made possible because of the internet Platforms were created so that people from the different parts of the world can have access to the data regarding foreign exchange This opened an avenue for retail F orex trading. The Major Players in Forex. When compared to stocks, where stocks have an endless list of products and brands, Forex traders usually only follow the major currencies that usually affect the world market as their forex trading guide These are as follows. Some of the Market Concepts. There are several approaches to trading, whether it is in Forex or stocks The best forex trading strategies depend on your goal and what your goal is and how comfortable you are with a certain approach It is best, however, to get more inform ation about these different approaches so you can choose whichever suits you best. In addition, keep in mind that in foreign exchange trading, you are selling a currency to purchase another currency So say for example, you have a Japanese Yen in your portfolio and you want to purchase US dollar currency You will need to take some or all of your Japanese Yen, in exchange to US dollars And when you change your mind and you want to buy back the Japanese Yen because you see a good and better potential, you will have to use your US dollars to buy the Japanese Yen With that being said, a forex trading will have to include two currencies because you make your earnings from the differences in the value between two currencies. Another approach traders do which is typically recommended for new traders in forex is leveraging the returns When done properly it doubles up your investment after a certain period of time For example if there was an investment of 5,000 with 100,000 shares for USD JPY and you got a yield of 7 5 , a foreseen 10 1 leverage would yield to a total of 3,760 every year An amount that is a lot higher versus putting your 5,000 in a bank which is expected to earn a total of 250 a year. With the best forex trading strategies shared with you, are you ready to start trading today. Coin collectors are known to be very sentimental and even invest in copper pennies But a lot of people wonder whether saving up on cents is a good idea There are those who swear by copper pennies as the better alternative to gold or silver investing While there are those and they number in the majority who think that pennies are just a waste of time Is investing in copper pennies a good investment or not. Let s see both sides of the debate You can make up your own mind whether the value of pennies as an investment is a penny-wise move, or a dollar-foolish one.1 The Copper in Copper Pennies is worth more than a cent. As of this writing, the melt price for scrap copper is around 3 24 A typical copper penny weighs around 3 11 grams Let s do some math here to come up with an amount To get a pound of copper from copper pennies, you need approximately 146 copper pennies Calculate how much a hundred and forty six pennies cost 1 46.The math should be proof enough for you Get enough copper pennies, melt them, and then sell them by the pound You get a 45 profit from this application but take into consideration how much it costs melting metal.2 Copper Pennies have considerable value as collectors items. Coin collectors are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a penny that s rare There are several pennies that never saw circulation and these are the coins that coin collectors will pay an arm and leg for.1 You need a lot of coins. If you did the math above then you can certainly calculate how many coins it will take you to come up with a profit of, let s say, 100 Ok, we know you hate math so we re doing it for you You need at least 4,507 pennies to earn a hundred bucks Where can you fi nd pennies that many.2 Some Pennies are Not even Copper. Pennies minted after 1982 are made of zinc As you all know, zinc costs less than copper They are also lighter than their copper counterparts You ll definitely need more and more zinc pennies to eke out a good profit.3 Melting coins are illegal. At least those that are currently in circulation Make sure you check on your pennies before even considering melting them.4 Melting can be expensive. You need to find a good metal smith to do the job right And these guys can charge you a pretty penny pun intended You can do it yourself, but we will warn you in advance that it can be difficult and dangerous. There you go the pros and the cons Always remember that there are two sides to a coin, copper pennies included Investing in copper pennies can be a fun hobby, especially if you re out to collect the rare ones But if you plan on melting the metal to sell then you need quite a lot of them to turn in a profit A lot of people will argue that it s just not worth the effort. Have you heard about this great opportunity online that allows people to earn lots of money while at the comforts of their home Thissounds pretty easy to start, as long as, you have some amount to start with Besides, if this random guy was able to become successful in Forex trading, why can t you But, before jumping in, you definitely will want to know how Forex works It just makes sense to understand at least the basic of things before you start investing. How do People Earn in Forex. Back in the days, before the dawn of the internet, Forex is simply just changing your currency to the local currency of the country you are visiting and that s about it, whereas nowadays, Forex could mean two things for different people One, something to stay away from because it is difficult, or two, something that will make you instantly rich The truth is, what most people think about Forex is just 10 true One of the truths includes Forex as a form of trading People earn in t his trading by understanding the forex trading signals. The earnings in Forex lie between the trader s ability to foresee how a certain currency is going to behave against another Although, there are different approaches about knowing how to trade currency two of the most common ones are day trading and leveraging. In day trading, investors do not leave anything in the portfolio overnight Although the investment is a little high for the profit to matter, this could potentially provide a great return especially if the trader was lucky enough to invest in a good pair. With leveraging, however, there is endless possibility even with a slightly smaller starting amount But instead of selling a trade at the end of the day, traders tend to stick to the portfolio for a certain period of time This puts a safety net in times when a currency dips a little lower than expected In addition, with the way that is designed, traders are advised to hold their emotions together and not get carried away too m uch For example, the power of an investment that can be doubled or tripled could result to a bigger loss if not moderated properly. In a lot of ways, Forex can be compared to the stock market but is also a distinct market in itself Although, technically, it is not a traditional market, due to the fact that it does not have an actual store, the earnings in knowing how to trade currency are relatively good. Those people who want to start their endeavor with foreign exchange investments however are advised to take extra effort to learn the market Even though they have backgrounds in stock markets, people are advised to take this trading more seriously by actually learning how Forex works This is for them to avoid huge losses and for them to also make a good decision when they start investing In this way, they know what to expect and at least have an idea what to do next. Posts navigation. Recent Posts.


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